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An online meat shop that provides fresh




16 weeks


Website and Mobile Appplications


Chopserve was founded with the intention of revolutionizing the Indian meat supply chain.
The aim is to provide all consumers with fresh, clean meat at the appropriate price.
They work directly with fishermen and farmers across India to assure the quality and freshness of the product that may be delivered to a customer's doorstep via the ecommerce platform.

Problem Statement

How can they quickly and affordably provide non-veg products that are nutritional, fresh, and chemical-free via a delivery platform?


1. User Goal

How to Shop for Fresh, Chemical, Antibiotic, and Affordably-Priced Non-Veg Products Online and Have Them Delivered

2. Business Goal

Enter the expanding market for meat products and steadily expand the customer base by offering a choice of seafood and poultry goods at the front door. Boost profits by optimising costs


  1. One-stop meat App

to meet the needs of a consumer in a single Mobile and web app

  1. Custom Content

to personalize the user experience based on the user's customer's specifications by utilizing the acquired data

  1. Consistent User Experience

to provide a consistent experience for users to swiftly locate products and place orders

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